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Friday, March 19, 2010

heat vs magic

wow. unbelivable.. how is it that we go into overtime staying neck to neck with an awesome team like the magic with howard, reddick, and all those other good players.. and then somehow in overtime.. our wonderful players decide to start slipping up like beasely and chalmers air balls... fouls-- =0o

i cant be mad at them they did their thing.. but that shouldve been our win.


I dont udnerstand how people can be so ignorant and cold hearted!! im dealing with so many home issues right now i really dont want to do anything but hide in a corner . at a time of crisis and misfortunes instead of my family coming together some of its just crumbling to pieces and losing sight of the important things in life. i really dont know how much i can scream before im heard. and hilarious thing im the most .. NOT dramatic or touchy person in the world .. yet here i am like a big whiner cry baby.
=0( crappy days.

blog 6

What issue are you thinking about trying to solve in Paper 4? Write
what you already know about this issue and ideas you have to solve it

my issues when writing paper 4 were mainly how to word things and not make it completely research and make it sound like a narrative while maintaining credibility and not getting boring. it was alot of stuff to do at once !! in the end i dont think my paper turned out too bad i think that all the good information i found was a little of a burden as well. i wanted to include everything i read and so many of the things dont seem like things that can be paraphrased or put in to my own words! like in class we had alot of example on what we should do when we come across those type of problems and that alot of it is covered in the book for class. another thing was citing the sources i found that was pretty annoying but in the end everything fit ..

blog 5

Have you ever been hated, discriminated, even protested against? Pit bulls have all over the world people cringe at the site or even the mere thought of a Pit bull or anything that may look like it. I remember one day I was walking into a pet store and a woman comes up to me and pets my dog and says “Oh my goodness what a preciously cute dog! What kind of dog is he?” And as soon as I respond “ He’s a pitbull” she pulled her hand back as quickly as possible and goes “I should report you! He’s illegal and dangerous and I’m lucky he didn’t bite me!” All I could do at that point was stare in amazement as she walked away and just wonder how any one could be that ignorant. Unfortunately no matter how sweet or gentle an American Pit bull terrier is, theirs absolutely no way to shake off the damage of a ruined reputation that has followed them for generations. At this point what can be done to prove this misunderstanding wrong, to prove that pit bulls aren’t just killing machines and they are very capable of being loving and perfect house pets?
So what is it about Pit bulls that make them stand out so much from other dogs that are just as capable of aggression? Maybe its their powerful locking jaws? No, it couldn’t be that seeming that The American Pit Bull Terrier and related breeds are physiologically no different from any other breed of dog. According to Dr. Brisbin "The few studies which have been conducted of the structure of the skulls, mandibles and teeth of pit bulls show that, in proportion to their size, their jaw structure and thus its inferred functional morphology, is no different than that of any breed of dog. There is absolutely no evidence for the existence of any kind of 'locking mechanism' unique to the structure of the jaw of the American Pit Bull Terrier.” (Brisben) Or what about the fact that a Pit bull might turn on you one day for no reason! There is a name for this type of situation its called the Springer Rage Syndrome most common in Springers and Spaniels; it is a neurological condition that manifests itself as a spontaneous attack, followed by confusion, and then a return to normal behavior(Anna-Marie). Which Pit bulls, by the way, are not prone to.
What about the legality and emotion of this situation. Going against the Miami Dade right to due process of law, the Dade county ordinance section 5-17.6 which is the legalization of owning a Pit bull in this county, and what will happen if you own a Pit bull and got caught by the county. 5-17.6 states “that any violation of this section may result in a civilian violation notice and destruction of the dog by order of court.”(Bardawil). Meaning if any one owns a Pit bull they will be taken to court get a nice fine and get their dog put to sleep or at least this is what’s supposed to happen, most of the time you don’t even get to court before your dog is injected with a lethal compound that shuts all their bodily functions and organs down. You should now be asking yourself, well how do they determine if a dog is indeed a pit bull. They basically base it off of the dogs dimensions; a box head, thick neck, broad chest. So they don’t use a 100% valid way to say “ that dog is indeed a pitbull!”. Although there is one a genetic testing that cost over two thousand for each dog that they decide not to use.
Banning Pit bulls terriers was a law passed due to the fact that these dogs were trained to become vicious fighters, mainly because of the fact that they are fearless and have a high tolerance to extreme pain. Taking countless dogs away from their pet owners without seeking a court order or even advising that they would need one as a law abiding citizen the state has been taking away the right of the citizens!! With this I question; are pit bulls the only “dangerous” dog? Can other dogs be pushed to the extremes to say maul a person or another dog? What makes these dog that much of a threat that they should be banned not only from dog fighters which is understandable but from dog lovers, that consider these dogs apart of the family as well as their life.
A group of researches decided to test over 30 different breeds of canines using the C-BARQ test, with this they were able to determine the different dogs responses to stimuli and situations. Through out the test that determine owner directed aggression pitbulls ranked twenty-eighth out of a total of thirty-three breeds that were tested Daschunds scoring number one. In Stranger-directed aggression they ranked twenty-one out of thirty-three breeds with Dachshunds scoring number one again , and dog directed aggression they ranked forth out of thirty- three with Akitas coming in number one. (Hsu) So with these scores why is it that Pitbulls are so targeted? With the proper amount of training and a responsible owner they shouldn’t be a threat.
Focusing on everyones main concern now ; the owners that use this breed to dog fight and use for violent purposes. Let me start by saying banning a breed of a dog is not really going to stop people from owning one illegally. So why disable the people who have a real love for the breed and cherish their companionship? It really doesn’t make any sense. As an owner I would never do anything to jeopardize my pets health I take him to the vet routinely and I would never use him against someone as a weapon so why are my rights being taken away! People who know nothing about the breed should really sit and take some time to realize a dog is what you train it to be (Fuller). If you find a dachshund and train it to be an aggressive violent dog that’s what it will do because its in its nature, but since they are small in comparison to breeds like Pit bulls they aren’t taken seriously because they arent capable of inflicting as much damage, but that’s not their choice, because if they could they wouldn’t think twice about mauling another dog or even a person. It can be estimated that for every Pit Bull who kills, there are 10.5 MILLION that DON'T! The average Number of people killed by a Pit Bull each year is 3. Did you know Each year, 350 people drown in their bathtubs. You are 151 times more likely to be killed by your bathtub than you are by a Pit Bull. (Hedges)
So now with that information lets jump into fun facts about Pit bulls. Stubby, the very first war dog. Battled in world war I and was considered a hero that earned many medals and is honored in the white house today Or how about The Ken-L-Ration dog hero of 1993 named Weela, who saved 30 people, 29 dogs, 13 horses and a cat during a flood in Southern California. Dixie who’s right now honored in A hall of fame in Georgia for saving children from a very poisonous snake. What kind of dog could accomplished these type of things? Their all Pit bulls. This plus countless other stories are hardly ever recognized because its so easy to see the negative and ignore the positive. (Dashevskaya)
Dog Trainer Jose Vela currently a specialized dog trainer that works with all types of dogs and has had many experiences with Pit Bulls sat and spoke to me regarding the issue of Pit bulls. I Asked “ Have you had any serious fights break out in any of your dog training classes, and was there a Pit bull involved” he replied “ Yes, a couple, and no; many were typical small dogs you see every day that fought”. I then asked have you ever encountered a pit bull fight during a lesson to my amazement he smiled, and said “ as a matter of fact I have, and the funny part about this fight was that a Chihuahua enticed the fight, and in my head I thought this dog is dead, and as the little Chihuahua ran to the Pit bull to attack him, the Pit bull although triple his size and weight, flapped his ears back and yelped as he tried scurrying away from this little crazed dog.” My next questions were does he agree with the people on whether these Pit bulls are just that dangerous and she kept illegal, his response was “ I think if Pit bulls are illegal, so should every large possibly aggressive dogs, in that case why have the possibility of owning a dog at all , any one could be a dog fighter. So my answer is no, I think that these dogs can be just as kind and as sweet as a golden retriever, not to mention their awesome to train”.
We live in a society that dictates what is acceptable and not acceptable, and that much change, if we truly are going to follow the constitution and find pursuit of happiness, then our deeds must be judge not the breed, we have to work together as a whole to show that their feelings are misjudged from Pit bulls that have given bad stigma because of the few bad owners that exploited them, especially due to the fact that dogs are known to be mans best friend, they are extremely loyal and eager to please (Hedges), they would die for their owners if that’s what the owner so wishes. Lets possibly return pits to being acceptable as much as they were when the little rascals played with one.

with sources ( i posted everything late due to a family emergency sorry to my peer-reviewers!!)

Duffy , Deborah L., Yuying Hsu, and James A. Serpell. "Breed differences in canine aggression." Applied Animal Behaviour Science 114.3-4 (2008): 441+. Academic OneFile. Web. 14 Mar. 2010

Rosado, Belen, et al. "Blood concentrations of serotonin, cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone in aggressive dogs." Applied Animal Behaviour Science 123.3-4 (2010): 124+. Academic OneFile. Web. 14 Mar. 2010.

Hsu, Yuying, and Liching Sun. "Factors associated with aggressive responses in pet dogs." Applied Animal Behaviour Science 123.3-4 (2010): 108+. Academic OneFile. Web. 15 Mar. 2010.

Fuller, William J. "Pit bull clamor unwanted.(Letters to the Editor)(Letter to the editor)." DVM Newsmagazine 37.8 (2006): 46+. Academic OneFile. Web. 15 Mar. 2010

blog 4

Have you ever been hated, discriminated, even protested against? Pit bulls have all over the world people cringe at the site or even the mere thought of a Pit bull or anything that may look like it. I remember one day I was walking into a pet store and a woman comes up to me and pets my dog and says “Oh my goodness what a preciously cute dog! What kind of dog is he?” And as soon as I respond “ He’s a pitbull” she pulled her hand back as quickly as possible and goes “I should report you! He’s illegal and dangerous and I’m lucky he didn’t bite me!” All I could do at that point was stare in amazement as she walked away and just wonder how any one could be that ignorant. Unfortunately no matter how sweet or gentle an American Pit bull terrier is, theirs absolutely no way to shake off the damage of a ruined reputation that has followed them for generations. At this point what can be done to prove this misunderstanding wrong, to prove that pit bulls aren’t just killing machines and they are very capable of being loving and perfect house pets?
So what is it about Pit bulls that make them stand out so much from other dogs that are just as capable of aggression? Maybe its their powerful locking jaws? No, it couldn’t be that seeming that The American Pit Bull Terrier and related breeds are physiologically no different from any other breed of dog. According to Dr. Brisbin "The few studies which have been conducted of the structure of the skulls, mandibles and teeth of pit bulls show that, in proportion to their size, their jaw structure and thus its inferred functional morphology, is no different than that of any breed of dog. There is absolutely no evidence for the existence of any kind of 'locking mechanism' unique to the structure of the jaw of the American Pit Bull Terrier.” (Brisben) Or what about the fact that a Pit bull might turn on you one day for no reason! There is a name for this type of situation its called the Springer Rage Syndrome most common in Springers and Spaniels; it is a neurological condition that manifests itself as a spontaneous attack, followed by confusion, and then a return to normal behavior(Anna-Marie). Which Pit bulls, by the way, are not prone to.
What about the legality and emotion of this situation. Going against the Miami Dade right to due process of law, the Dade county ordinance section 5-17.6 which is the legalization of owning a Pit bull in this county, and what will happen if you own a Pit bull and got caught by the county. 5-17.6 states “that any violation of this section may result in a civilian violation notice and destruction of the dog by order of court.”(Bardawil). Meaning if any one owns a Pit bull they will be taken to court get a nice fine and get their dog put to sleep or at least this is what’s supposed to happen, most of the time you don’t even get to court before your dog is injected with a lethal compound that shuts all their bodily functions and organs down. You should now be asking yourself, well how do they determine if a dog is indeed a pit bull. They basically base it off of the dogs dimensions; a box head, thick neck, broad chest. So they don’t use a 100% valid way to say “ that dog is indeed a pitbull!”. Although there is one a genetic testing that cost over two thousand for each dog that they decide not to use.
Banning Pit bulls terriers was a law passed due to the fact that these dogs were trained to become vicious fighters, mainly because of the fact that they are fearless and have a high tolerance to extreme pain. Taking countless dogs away from their pet owners without seeking a court order or even advising that they would need one as a law abiding citizen the state has been taking away the right of the citizens!! With this I question; are pit bulls the only “dangerous” dog? Can other dogs be pushed to the extremes to say maul a person or another dog? What makes these dog that much of a threat that they should be banned not only from dog fighters which is understandable but from dog lovers, that consider these dogs apart of the family as well as their life.
A group of researches decided to test over 30 different breeds of canines using the C-BARQ test, with this they were able to determine the different dogs responses to stimuli and situations. Through out the test that determine owner directed aggression pitbulls ranked twenty-eighth out of a total of thirty-three breeds that were tested Daschunds scoring number one. In Stranger-directed aggression they ranked twenty-one out of thirty-three breeds with Dachshunds scoring number one again , and dog directed aggression they ranked forth out of thirty- three with Akitas coming in number one. (Hsu) So with these scores why is it that Pitbulls are so targeted? With the proper amount of training and a responsible owner they shouldn’t be a threat.
Focusing on everyones main concern now ; the owners that use this breed to dog fight and use for violent purposes. Let me start by saying banning a breed of a dog is not really going to stop people from owning one illegally. So why disable the people who have a real love for the breed and cherish their companionship? It really doesn’t make any sense. As an owner I would never do anything to jeopardize my pets health I take him to the vet routinely and I would never use him against someone as a weapon so why are my rights being taken away! People who know nothing about the breed should really sit and take some time to realize a dog is what you train it to be (Fuller). If you find a dachshund and train it to be an aggressive violent dog that’s what it will do because its in its nature, but since they are small in comparison to breeds like Pit bulls they aren’t taken seriously because they arent capable of inflicting as much damage, but that’s not their choice, because if they could they wouldn’t think twice about mauling another dog or even a person. It can be estimated that for every Pit Bull who kills, there are 10.5 MILLION that DON'T! The average Number of people killed by a Pit Bull each year is 3. Did you know Each year, 350 people drown in their bathtubs. You are 151 times more likely to be killed by your bathtub than you are by a Pit Bull. (Hedges)
So now with that information lets jump into fun facts about Pit bulls. Stubby, the very first war dog. Battled in world war I and was considered a hero that earned many medals and is honored in the white house today Or how about The Ken-L-Ration dog hero of 1993 named Weela, who saved 30 people, 29 dogs, 13 horses and a cat during a flood in Southern California. Dixie who’s right now honored in A hall of fame in Georgia for saving children from a very poisonous snake. What kind of dog could accomplished these type of things? Their all Pit bulls. This plus countless other stories are hardly ever recognized because its so easy to see the negative and ignore the positive. (Dashevskaya)
Dog Trainer Jose Vela currently a specialized dog trainer that works with all types of dogs and has had many experiences with Pit Bulls sat and spoke to me regarding the issue of Pit bulls. I Asked “ Have you had any serious fights break out in any of your dog training classes, and was there a Pit bull involved” he replied “ Yes, a couple, and no; many were typical small dogs you see every day that fought”. I then asked have you ever encountered a pit bull fight during a lesson to my amazement he smiled, and said “ as a matter of fact I have, and the funny part about this fight was that a Chihuahua enticed the fight, and in my head I thought this dog is dead, and as the little Chihuahua ran to the Pit bull to attack him, the Pit bull although triple his size and weight, flapped his ears back and yelped as he tried scurrying away from this little crazed dog.” My next questions were does he agree with the people on whether these Pit bulls are just that dangerous and she kept illegal, his response was “ I think if Pit bulls are illegal, so should every large possibly aggressive dogs, in that case why have the possibility of owning a dog at all , any one could be a dog fighter. So my answer is no, I think that these dogs can be just as kind and as sweet as a golden retriever, not to mention their awesome to train”.
We live in a society that dictates what is acceptable and not acceptable, and that much change, if we truly are going to follow the constitution and find pursuit of happiness, then our deeds must be judge not the breed, we have to work together as a whole to show that their feelings are misjudged from Pit bulls that have given bad stigma because of the few bad owners that exploited them, especially due to the fact that dogs are known to be mans best friend, they are extremely loyal and eager to please (Hedges), they would die for their owners if that’s what the owner so wishes. Lets possibly return pits to being acceptable as much as they were when the little rascals played with one.